Thursday, 22 September 2016

Can professional growth affect REAL friendship? WATCH-OUT..!!


  1. Way to go girl ...the blog is so true and real..I think each one of us can somewhere relate to it...great going ❤️

    1. Thank you so much. I'm glad you liked it.��

  2. Most of the people try to ruin other people's happiness just beacause they can't find their own. If people try to pull you down, then you should be proud because it only confirms that you are above them. Cheers to life ����

  3. Ohk this is soo confusing but well this is how people are these days ! They just can't see anyone above them or happier than them. I don't know why but everyone is so insecure these days like dude why? Everyone is different and so are their lives, why do you have to compare them in any way ! Just be happy that you are alive and kicking isn't that enough, why do you have to complicate everything by bringing in negativity in your friendships and other relationships!
    But well amazingly written, all the very best sweetheart ! Keep it going ! God bless you ��❤️

    1. Exactly, it is confusing..!!
      Anyway, Thank you so much for your mind words :) :)

  4. People have a tendency to make assumptions and opinions about others from the bits of information they come across on social media sites or coffee time gossips.Very few actually make any effort to know the person, their journey,struggles and achievements.Those who do are amazed by the fact how wrong they were. I am sure if your friend had made some genuine efforts to connect with you she would have realised what a wonderful,strong and loving person you have become.

    Looking forward to read some of your amazing experiences in future too.Keep writing !!

    1. Aww..that's so sweet of you. I am glad that in this fake world, I have a true friend like you (and you are lucky to have me, hahaha)
      Thank you so much :)
      Much love..!!

  5. A nice piece of writing for sure....Answering your question I fairly remember a quote "Anybody can sympathise with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathise with a friend's success." One should really not be bothered about you being social.

  6. A nice piece of writing for sure....Answering your question I fairly remember a quote "Anybody can sympathise with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathise with a friend's success." One should really not be bothered about you being social.

  7. I think that friend( now an acquintace) really meant something to you.. Coz only those have the power to hamper our peace of mind, to whom we are close or think we are otherwise you would't hv written this in the first place.. Take it as an experience and remember that every person we meet has something to teach us .. Keep learning and stay happy... Thats what is living in a real sense. It was nice post!

  8. ����aag laaga di������

  9. Akansha you have described the exact thinking of those people who actually do not mend their own business infact those people always try to know how and why your life has changed in a good manner...but you should not bother about what people say about your changed change is a key for betterment of one's life.....So what so ever change you have made in your life have proud on that...and be cool and calm always...

    1. I am glad that you feel this way.. thank you so much :)

  10. Akansha you have described the exact thinking of those people who actually do not mend their own business infact those people always try to know how and why your life has changed in a good manner...but you should not bother about what people say about your changed change is a key for betterment of one's life.....So what so ever change you have made in your life have proud on that...and be cool and calm always...

  11. Really nice blog.... what you said is true (sadly) but, it also makes you aware and realize that out of the whole bunch of friends that you have you will be able to spot one true friend who will not get affected by your "CHANGE" in this journey called the way u are.... u are awesome :)

    1. Thank you so much for saying so.. :) Will remain the same for you always :):)
      Cheers ..!!

  12. first of all u really deserve an appreciation for this... many facts are true yet it is not right to generalise the whole concept of real friendship based on the conversation with some wierd friend (or acquaintance to be specific ). social networking sites do make an impression abou ur life but ppl fail to understand that its a very selective part of ur life which u r posting so its not possible to judge ur entire lifestyle or ur attitude based on that... anyways a really nice piece of writing so keep on going girl n the so called sadist ppl dont deserve ur time n thoughts... n abou change yes u have surely changed but thats on the positive side...��������

    1. Thank you so much :)
      I agree that real friendship can never be affected by these pity issues, any issue for that mater. However, its strange to see these kind of people around you and its even more strange that you were never able to recognize them before this..!!
      Thanks again :)

  13. Really beautiful and true😊
    Shitty people all your life to the fullest rest ignore those😚

  14. Really beautiful and true😊
    Shitty people all your life to the fullest rest ignore those😚

  15. Congratulations. Great subject to explore! Made an interesting read as well.

    My take on the question you have posed in the end is that in the days of living 'life on a click ',one does tend to judge the book by the cover. So the snapshots can be assumed as your whole life.
    But who cares? And those who care,don't mind.

    1. Thank you so much :)
      Much appreciated..!!

    2. Once again, let me begin by quoting one of my favourite characters- Albus Dumbledore's, profound thoughts- "Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic, capable of both influencing injury, and remedying it.” –The Deathly Hallows"

      So let me use mine carefully. Why not just forgive your friend for her lack of articulation and warmth and just kindly thank her for, even if unintentionally, "inspiring" you to start blogging and expressing...

      Congrats on your first Blog, Aakansha! ... Even Newton's Law's of motions says that an external force is needed to make a body "change" its state of constant motion...:)

      - Varsha

    3. Indeed.. no doubt she is the one because of whom i have got the courage to write my first blog.
      I dont keep things in my heart..she is forgiven😊

  16. Dear one. I'm proud of you for being outright and bold about your thoughts. You have shared an experience that's experienced my many.
    Surely our social networking profiles paint a picture of us that is seen differently by us and others.
    I must mention that it's our freedom to express whether in a blog or in our images that really counts. Let nothing hold you from being undaunted.
    You're a woman of substance, a woman of love.
    Keep shining.
    Looking forward to read more of your personal experience that I can relate to so well!

  17. Dear one. I'm proud of you for being outright and bold about your thoughts. You have shared an experience that's shared my many.
    Surely our social networking profiles paint a picture of us that is seen differently by us and others.
    I must mention that it's our freedom to express whether in a blog or in our images that really counts. Let nothing hold you from being undaunted.
    You're a woman of substance, a woman of love.
    Keep shining.
    Looking forward to read more of your personal experience that I can relate to so well!

    1. Thank you so much for your appreciation and kind words. It keeps me motivated :)

  18. People are so insecure these days that they can't take it that the other person's life is like "wow"!!! If they are not happy in their lives they try to disturb those who are happier than them and they derive pleasure by doing this. There is a saying which is perfect for these kind of ppl " Don't judge my path if u haven't walked it."

    1. People are insecure even when they don't know what exactly the complete truth is.
      Some just like messing your head.
      Thanks by the way..:)


F2: My 2 personal choices of living a happy life..!

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